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3Q95 Pages 1 & 2

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The MAR/IVAR For Manual Charting has a new feature allowing you to run the report before midnight. Previously, the MAR/IVAR was hard coded to be expected to run after midnight to set up and process the correct window. Running the report before midnight threw off the window by 24 hours. Now, you can optionally pass the MAR/IVAR begin date by valuing %RXBEGDT=mmddyy in CHPPRX46 (multipatient day end MAR) and CHPPRX48 (multipatient day end IVAR). One application of this new feature would be to run the

MAR/IVAR before midnight, passing the MAR/IVAR begin date as "%SYSDATE + 1" in the process TCL. You will receive the same MAR/IVAR window as if you were running the programs after midnight. Running the reports earlier is desirable should the hospital require more time to check the report before the reports are put to use or if the hospital has an extended day end outage. See Miscellaneous Install Tip #5 (page 6) in this issue for a related feature for the MAR/IVAR From Automated Charting.

Confessions of an INVISION Pharmacy Installer


I attended the first SMS Pharmacy education class at Corporate the week of April 10th. Roger Braun and Sheila Hallett did an excellent job of putting together the material for this new product. After a few hours of class, I have to ... ah ... well ... admit there were quite a few features SMS Pharmacy had to offer over the INVISION product. I started to write down those items SMS Pharmacy enjoys that are either impossible to capture on INVISION, or would require some OAS building effort to accommodate. Here is my unofficial list:

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The following LIVEs took place since the last issue:

Pages 1-2 Pages 3-4 Pages 5-6

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