RXPert ContentsRXPert Contents

2Q93 Pages 3 & 4

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IBM BASED PHARMACY April 1993 6th Edition
Written by Bruce Clutcher and Faith Thompson
Edited by Bruce Clutcher Distrib. by Faith Thompson

IV Mnemonic Entry

If you are tired of building "50-gazillion" service selection screens to facilitate IV order entry, you might want to try building IV mnemonic order entry instead. Phil Bailey originally dreamed this up during the Weirton Medical Center INVISION Pharmacy install, and I (Faith) have since also built this for Altoona Hospital.

The IV order entry screen (see attached screen print) allows the user to key in a mnemonic for each ingredient (with PF24 HELP key access to profile PRMNE) - thus, PRMNE must be built to include ALL pharmacy services, not just meds but IV solutions too. PF keys are set up to select the IV method type and kick off the correct TCL. For Pharmacist's that like mnemonic entry (that's all of them, right??), this path is more streamlined than service selection screens. Plus, if they are using Med mnemonic entry and maintaining PRMNE anyway, why not make more all-around use of the profile, and save on maintenance/changes to service selection screens?

Another nice advantage to this is that you can store order duration values for each ingredient in PRMNE, and use a series of "cascading" TCLs from this screen to evaluate and select the smallest duration value (which then defaults into order duration). This is an advantage over the Model pathway, which does not unload auto-stop days from the Service Master for IV ingredients.

If anyone would like screen/TLC definitions for IV Mnemonic order entry, please let me know.


Yes, folks, there are actually some brave IDs out there working on interfaces to/from INVISION Pharmacy. Darryl Miclat is busy with an outbound interface at Johns Hopkins Health System. This is an HL7 interface from SMS to a "homegrown" system; they are ready for specifications delivery from SMS this month. Winona Mindolovich is working on an inbound interface for St. Joseph's hospital in Phoenix; this interface will be from a Cerner system to INVISION. Winona is also working with SMS corporate on standard inbound and outbound interfaces; this should be ready by September.

Presentation Materials

Our INVISION Pharmacy Field Product Specialists, Denise Dunyak and Trygve Anderson have put together a series of slides which give an outline/overview of the INVISION Pharmacy system. Please see the attached pages for the contents of the presentation. You can contact Denise or Trygve if you are interested in borrowing the slides; contact the audio-visual department at corporate to purchase a set.

In addition, Bruce Clutcher and Roger Braun wrote an overview describing the profession of pharmacy. This handout/overhead foil package can be used by you if you need some pharmacy overview material for orientation, kickoff meetings, etc. There is also a very funny video called "Respect" which accompanies this material. Contact Ross Whitcraft at corp. for more details.

Install Activity

Congratulations to Henry O'Neal and Dee Black. Henry brought Rush North Shore LIVE on INVISION Pharmacy 10/92. Dee brought Bryn Mawr Hospital LIVE 3/93.

Pharmacy Users Group Update

(by Bruce Clutcher)

The INVISION Pharmacy Users Group met in Orlando, Florida Sunday, December 6, 1992 - prior to the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Mid-year Clinic meeting. Bruce Clutcher, Ken Stewart, Bernice Eves, Tom Huff and Joyce

Spindler-Fox represented SMS. Charles Lacy, R.Ph., Pharmacy Systems Analyst at United Health Services in Binghamton, NY presided as chairman for the afternoon, following a luncheon sponsored by SMS. Charles shared an Adverse Drug Reaction reporting feature he created using OAS tools and adapting the contraindications pathways.

Bernice presented an update on Development's recent accomplishments (Complex Meds, Hold/Resume, Discontinue enhancements, NDDF Full File Tape, Copy Service/Labeler and Prediscontinue). She also outlined several current and future projects (physician order entry and PRN Ivs). The meeting concluded after an open forum discussion.

Overall it was a good meeting. The clients were anxious to help prioritize future development and hear of OAS adaptations by other clients. Please contact Joyce Spindler-Fox or Bruce Clutcher with any questions regarding the meeting.

Dispense Floor Stock - Model Bug

Henry Sonderegger discovered a Model bug during his install at St. Edwards. The problem was first noticed because of incorrect data on the dispense floor stock labels. A custom pathway had been built to allow the user to key in patient# and order#, then unload the occurrences. If there were any occurrences that were not at the dispensable status, a message appeared, but the auda did not get cleared out properly. If the next patient had 2 occurrences, and the prior patient had 3 occurrences, it looked like the additional data was left from prior occurrences.

Henry has opened a Model Ticket on this.

Stump the Stars

Bruce Clutcher would like to know if any clients are using the VERIFY function, and/or feedback as to how this function is being handled at various sites. Please contact Bruce with information on how to streamline or speed up the function.

Editor's Note:

I would like to thank Winona Mindolovich for her inspiration to start the Rx-Pert. Winona served as writer (typist, collator, stapler, etc.) for the first five issues. Because of her recent career change in the San Francisco office, she will no longer manage this publication. Fortunately, Faith Thompson has agreed to take over. Thanks to both of these ladies for their help with this project.

Bruce Clutcher

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