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March 1994 9th Edition
Written by Bruce Clutcher and Faith Thompson
Edited by Bruce Clutcher Published by Faith Thompson
(By Bruce Clutcher):
According to Doug Kent in Product planning, EVTS tickets should be opened for Model design issues or future development suggestions. If you or your client feel new code, data file components, reports, new options, etc are needed for a particular function, please open up an EVTS ticket. First of all, Tech Support (or related Corporate group) may be able to assist with a simpler solution. Or, they may be able to inform you that the fix or enhancement you are looking for is coming soon to a SUP/SUT near you. At the very least, a model ticket will be opened and routed to Product Planning/Development's queue for review. Product Planning relies on EVTS for planning future development efforts. Doug suggested calling in a ticket for each account where the problem or suggestion occurs - i.e. even though you know one ticket was open already for Hosp/A, open another ticket for Hosp/B if they have the same beef. Each ticket opened is a 'Vote' to develop that feature. Tech Support will associate your new hospital ticket with an exiting model ticket, if one exists.
I will try to report on pharmacy/charting related ticket I know have been opened. Here are a few to start:
- #1089474 (Carilion Health Systems) - when you key in order duration in #hrs for a PRN order, the systems tends to calculate a stop D/T one occurrence less than the specified #hrs duration. A fix is due on the 93.12 SUP/1.94 SUT to move the order start time to the order stop time for a PRN order when %ORSTPTI=1.
- #1082068 (Carilion) - requested that NROUTINE and ROUTINE orders sort together on the MAR/IVAR.
- #1103782 (Carilion) - requested an option be given to sort charting documents and displays by whatever priority the hospital chooses.
- #1264945 (Carilion) - Regenerate Document function needs to print Cart ID on IV labels.
- #1270115 - request for enhancement in Alpha Browse to allow user to browse for active brand name (see Strange But True article below)
- #1275581 (Carilion) - unable to chart a nonrecurring PRN traditional med order (one occurrence is already build and charting won't allow building another occurrence on top of the existing occurrence).
- #1275750 (Carilion) - suggested enhancements to Print Control: 1) option to sort documents in a document group reverse chron. by create D/T; 2) after PF3 Display Document online, you get kicked out to GEMFUN01; 3) When displaying unprinted documents, there is not option to PF3 Display Document; 4) Need !Prev Page support when displaying documents in a document group.
- #1277792 (Carilion) - bug in CHPPO120 which inappropriately stacks the error screen when discontinuing multiple orders and one of the orders cannot be discontinued.
- #1280994 (Holy Redeemer) - suggested enhancement to have CFL/IVPL Updates show patients transferred within a cart (model ticket #1281410).
(By Bruce Clutcher)
The following Rx-LIVEs took place since the last issue:
- Hamilton Medical Center in Dalton, GA (1/11/94) - Tom Campbell and Don Driggers
- Tulsa Regional Medical Center in Tulsa, OK (2/14/94) - Phil Bailey.
- Providence Hospital of Cook County in Chicago (12/2/93)
- Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago (1/21/94) - Gerry George helped out with the LIVE.
- The VA Medical Center in Philadelphia went live on a Baxter ATC interface to INVISION Pharmacy (2/2/94) - Charlie Sammartino.
- Hamot Medical Center went live on their Automated Pharmacy Station (a robotic device to fill med cart drawers) 12/93, interfaced to INVISION Pharmacy.
- Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital in Yakima, Washington (2/28/94) - Kathy Fitzgerald with help from Pat Wills and Bruce Clutcher
· Judith Mante joined SMS January 31st as a Consultant in SSG. Judith is from England and Holland and currently resides outside Boston.
· Dave Einwag joined the Pittsburgh field office as an Installation Director in January, 1994. Dave previously worked as a pharmacist at Presbyterian Hospital.
Welcome to Judith and Dave!
Darryl Miclat accepted a new position as Product Specialist for INVISION and Unity Pharmacy in January, 1994. He now reports to Roger Hott, and will be working with Denise Dunyak to provide marketing support for AEs and Marketing reps. Darryl was formerly with the Washington D.C. office field installation team. Congratulations Darryl!
(by Faith Thompson)
The Pittsburgh Field Office hosted an INVISION Pharmacy User Group meeting on December 3, 1993.
Representatives from several Allegheny Valley Region Hospitals participated in the day's activities.
The Director of Pharmacy and one of the Systems Analysts from Magee Womens Hospital presented information on how they interfaced INVISION Pharmacy to their PYXIS system. An Analyst from Hamot Medical Center led an interesting discussion and presentation on building Ad Hoc reports for Pharmacy. Denise Dunyak, Product Specialist, also gave a demonstration of what you can do with the OAS in building Pharmacy pathways.
The user group was well attended by the AVR client base, and feedback from those who attended was very positive. If anyone would like more information regarding how to initiate and/or organize an event like this, please contact me at the Pittsburgh office, or via Voicemail (17353).
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