Print/Display orders, detail




Print/Display Orders Programs include ways to sort and qualify the orders.   The programs enable hospitals and clinicians to more easily customize their displays and prints to meet their needs.  The primary program involved is CHPPO477.


Print/Display orders Percent Fields


There are many ways to display and print your order data for a patient and on the Rounds Report.  Several of the options are listed below.


·        All active orders (this is the "new active orders" - it is based on the Order Stop Date and Time (or Discontinue Date and Time for Discontinued orders) - it uses %ORBEGSD, %ORBEGST, %ORENDSD, and %ORENDST.  This is also Orders About to Expire.

·        All orders with a specific enter date (value C1211 to the specific enter date and all orders for that patient that were entered on that date will print or display.

·        All orders with a start date and time that falls within a specified range of start dates and time will print or display (value %ORPOGEB, %ORPOBTM, %ORPREND, and %ORPOETM)

·        All orders with an enter date and time that falls within a specified range of enter dates and time will print or display (value %ORPOBED, %ORPOBET, %ORPOEED, and %ORPOEET)

·        All active orders  - all orders that have not reached their order stop date and time or their order discontinue date and time (value %ORPOACT = 1) (it's in another section, too)

·        All orders that are pending countersignature (value %ORPOPND to a 1)

·        All unverified and reviewed orders that have been countersigned (value %ORPOCSU to a 1)

·        All orders for a patient (do not set any date parameters and set % ORGESTS to a 1 and %ORGEDPT to a 1)

·        All orders within an enter date/time range grouped by session id (use %ORSESID with program CHPPOR53 and %ORSESOP)


Along with any of the options listed above, you can also select to print or display only pharmacy orders, and/or linked visit orders, and/or orders for specified departments, subdepartments, statuses and priorities.


Special Fields


%ORPOPDI - this field determines if you are printing or displaying the orders (default is printing)


·        0 or unvalued - print the orders

·        1 - display the orders


%GEOD - this field, when put on the line of a screen or document, prints or displays the CSMF description (C127F) if valued.  If C127F is unvalued, then the service description (C1202) prints or displays.



Input Fields


These fields determine what orders should print or display.


%ORDTCL - holds the name of the TCL that contains the allowable departments and statuses (in C1203#nn and C1223#nn) (%ORGEDPT and %ORGESTS override this field - that is when valued the allowable departments and statuses, respectively, are not checked.  THIS FIELD MUST BE VALUED WITH A VALID TCL NAME.


C1203#NN - these fields contain the allowable departments (usually loaded by TCL in %ORDTCL).


C1223#NN - these fields contain the allowable statuses (usually loaded by TCL in %ORDTCL)


%ORDM#NN - these fields contain the selected departments


%ORDX#NN - these fields contain the excluded departments


%ORST#NN - these fields contain the selected statuses


%ORSX#NN - these fields contain the excluded statuses


%ORXD#NN - these fields contain the departments and subdepartments to check for the orders approaching expiration banner.  See %OREXPBD, %OREXPBT, %OREXPED, and %OREXPET

%ORPR#NN - these fields contain the selected priorities.  You set this up using the priority class.  The priority classes and priorities follow.


·        0 - now and routine priority

·        1 - routine priority

·        2 - stat priority

·        3 - preop priority

·        4 - timed priority

·        5 - unscheduled priority

·        6 - prn priority


%ORSB#NN - these fields contain the selected subdepartments (only valid with one department, %ORDM)


%ORGEDPT - this field, when valued to a 1, overrides the security checking (%ORDTCL) for departments.


%ORGESTS - this field, when valued to a 1, overrides the security checking (%ORDTCL) for statuses


%ORINCDC - this field, when valued to a 1, uses the discontinue date and time for discontinued orders (rather than the stop date and time) when you use the orders approaching stop date range (new active display, %ORBEGSD, %ORBEGST, %ORENDSD, and %ORENDST)


%ORIV#NN - this field contains the selected IV method types that you wish to display or print


%ORPOHLD - this field contains the status description for a HELD order so that it can be treated differently than a discontinued order (it allows held orders to stay on the display until they are discontinued, cancelled, or they end)


%ORPORXS - this field determines that you want to print or display pharmacy orders only, or all orders.


·        0 or unvalued - print all from departments (as specified in %ORDM#NN)

·        1 - print or display only pharmacy (medication and IV) orders


%ORPOMIV - this field determines what pharmacy orders to print or display


·        1 - print or display medications only

·        2 - print or display IVs only


%ORPOPND - this field, when valued to a 1, indicates that you want to print or display only the orders that are pending countersignature


%ORPOCSU - this field, when valued to a 1, indicates that you want to print or display only reviewed and unverified orders that have been countersigned


%ORALLCS - this field, when valued to a 1, determines that you want to print or display all orders pending countersignature (regardless of the date ranges of the overall display or print) when using the "orders approaching stop date" (new active display) option.  See %ORBEGSD, %ORBEGST, %ORENDSD, and %ORENDST in the date ranges section below.


%ORCSTWC - this field, when valued to a 1, indicates that you want to print or display orders that are pending countersignature AND active (based on %ORBEGSD, %ORBEGST, %ORENDSD, and %ORENDST) twice.  This allows you to countersign it and process it with any of the other options in the same session.


%ORCS#nn - this field contains the selected statuses for all the orders pending countersignature option (%ORALLCS = 1) in the new active display.  ALL is a valid value, meaning to display ALL orders pending countersignature regardless of the status of the orders.


%ORPOOTM - this field indicates which one time orders (start date and time = stop date and time and duration is 0) to print or display when using the "orders approaching stop date" (new active display - or the active display (%ORPOACT) options.


For the orders approaching stop date (the "new" active display - %ORBEGSD, %ORBEGST, %ORENDSD, and %ORENDST), the field is valued:


·        0 - do not include one time orders

·        1 - include one time orders within the specified stop date and time range

·        2 - include one time orders for a specified number of hours after the orders stop date and time.  The number of hours are specified in %ORPOOTH.


For the active orders display (%ORPOACT), the field is valued:


·        0 - do not include one time orders

·        1 - include one time orders for the current date only

·        2 - include one time orders for a specified number of hours after the orders stop date and time.  The number of hours are specified in %ORPOOTH.


%ORPOOTH - this field contains the number of hours to go back from the current date and time to include one time orders on a new active display or print.  The maximum value of this field is 999 hours (41.6 days).


%ORCI#NN - these fields contain the order comments that you want to either include on the display or print or exclude from the display or print.


%ORPOCLN - this field contains the number of comments that should be printed or displayed on each line.


%ORCSNID - this field indicates the countersign option


·        0 - print the countersign line (where applicable) with each order

·        1 - print the countersign line once per session


%ORPOACT - this field, when valued to a 1 indicates that you want to display or print active orders only.  Active orders include orders that have not yet reached their stop date and time or their discontinue date and time.


%ORPODCH - this field indicates orders that have reached their discontinue date and time within a past number of hours.  This field contains the number of hours to go back from the current date and time to include those discontinued orders on an active (%ORPOACT) display or print.  If valued, this field overrides any settings or %ORPODCS.


%ORPODCS - this field specifies which discontinued orders to print or display when an active (%ORPOACT) print or display is selected.


·        0 - do not include orders that have reached their discontinue date and time

·        1 - include orders that have reached their discontinue date and time earlier today.


%ORPOPGB - this field determines if you want page break on an order.  If set to a 1, the program will perform a page break if an order cannot fit entirely on the page and print or display the order on the next page.


·        0 - do not perform page break checking

·        1 - perform page break checking


%ORXISSF - this field determines if you want to include or exclude issue floorstock orders on your print or display.


·        0 or unvalued - include floorstock orders

·        1 - exclude floorstock orders


%ORPOPTY - this field indicates that only the orders that have the ordering party code contained in this field are printed or displayed.


C1211 - this field indicates that you want to print or display all orders with the enter date contained in this field.


C1212 - this field indicates that you want to print or display all orders with the enter time contained in this field.


C1226 - this field indicates that you want to print or display all orders with the enter ID or statused ID that is contained in this field.


%ORPOLNK - this field, when valued to a 1, indicates that orders from linked visits will display or print.

Date Range Options


%ORBEGSD - this is valued as the begin stop date range if you want to print/display orders within a STOP DATE/TIME range.  This is considered the "orders approaching stop date" or the NEW ACTIVE ORDERS Display.


%ORBEGST - this is valued as the begin stop time range if you want to print/display orders within a STOP DATE/TIME range.  This is considered the "orders approaching stop date" or the NEW ACTIVE ORDERS Display.


%ORENDSD - this is valued as the end stop date range if you want to print/display orders within a STOP DATE/TIME range.  This is considered the "orders approaching stop date" or the NEW ACTIVE ORDERS Display.


%ORENDST - this is valued as the end stop time range if you want to print/display orders within a STOP DATE/TIME range.  This is considered the "orders approaching stop date" or the NEW ACTIVE ORDERS Display.


%ORPOBEG - this field is used if you want to print/display orders within a specified START date and time range.  This field is the begin date.


%ORPOBTM - this field is used if you want to print/display orders within a specified START date and time range.  This field is the begin time.


%ORPOEND - this field is used if you want to print/display orders within a specified START date and time range.  This field is the end date.


%ORPOETM - this field is used if you want to print/display orders within a specified START date and time range.  This field is the end time.


%ORPOBED - this field is used if you want to print/display orders entered within a specified date and time range for a SPECIFIC USER.  This field is the begin date.  (The user is specified C1226)


%ORPOBET - this field is used if you want to print/display orders ENTERED within a specified date and time range for a SPECIFIC USER.  This field is the begin time.  (The user is specified C1226)


%ORPOEED - this field is used if you want to print/display orders ENTERED within a specified date and time range for a SPECIFIC USER.  This field is the end date.  (The user is specified C1226)


%ORPOEET - this field is used if you want to print/display orders ENTERED within a specified date and time range for a SPECIFIC USER.  This field is the end time.  (The user is specified C1226)


%ORSTSBD - this is valued if you want to print/display orders within an ORDER STATUS PROCESS date and time.  This is the begin date for the range.


%ORSTSBT - this is valued if you want to print/display orders within an ORDER STATUS PROCESS date and time.  This is the begin time for the range.


%ORSTSED - this is valued if you want to print/display orders within an ORDER STATUS PROCESS date and time.  This is the end date for the range.


%ORSTSET - this is valued if you want to print/display orders within an ORDER STATUS PROCESS date and time.  This is the end time for the range.


%OREXPBD - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the begin date for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPBT - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the begin time for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPED - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the end date for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPET - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the end time for the orders approaching expiration.


Banner Options


The fields listed below are the ones that you need to create the orders approaching expiration and orders pending countersignature banners for your display or print.


%ORPOST0 - this field determines the order of the orders pending countersignature and order approaching expiration banners


·        EXPR - sort only orders approaching expiration banner to the top

·        PEND - sort only orders pending countersignature banner to the top

·        EXPD - sorts orders approaching expiration banner followed by the orders pending countersignature banner

·        PDEX - sorts orders pending countersignature banner followed by the orders approaching expiration banner


%OREXPNO - this field determines whether or not one-time orders are to be included in the orders approaching expiration banner.


·        0 or unvalued - include one-time orders in the orders approaching expiration banner

·        1 - exclude one-time orders in the orders approaching expiration banner


%OREXPBD - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the begin date for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPBT - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the begin time for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPED - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the end date for the orders approaching expiration.


%OREXPET - this is valued if you want to have an Orders Approaching Expiration Banner (%ORPOST0 = EXPR, EXPD, or PDEX).  This field contains the end time for the orders approaching expiration.


%ORXD#NN - these fields contain the departments and subdepartments to check for the orders approaching expiration banner.  See %OREXPBD, %OREXPBT, %OREXPED, and %OREXPET.


%ORPOPRU - start banner line for printing expiring orders (model document is ORGEPOFU).


%ORPOPRV - end banner line for printing expiring orders (model document is ORGEPOFV).


%ORPOPRW - start banner line for printing orders pending countersignature (model document is ORGEPOFW).


%ORPOPRX - end banner line for printing orders pending countersignature (model document is ORGEPOFX).


%ORPOPPA - no expiring orders banner line for printing (model document is ORGEPPFA).


%ORPOPPB - no orders pending countersignature line for printing (model document is ORGEPPFB).


%ORPDPRU - start banner line for displaying expiring orders (model screen is ZOPODO31).


%ORPDPRV - end banner line for displaying expiring orders (model screen is ZOPODO32).


%ORPDPRW - start banner line for displaying order pending countersignature (model screen is ZOPODO33).


%ORPDPRX - end banner line for displaying orders pending countersignature (model screen is ZOPODO34).


%ORPDPPA - no expiring orders banner line for displaying (model screen is ZOPODO35).


%ORPDPPB - no orders pending countersignature banner line for displaying (model screen is ZOPODO36).

Occurrence Printing Options


%ORPOOBD - if you want to print or display occurrences, this field contains the start date for the date/time range.


%ORPOOBT - if you want to print or display occurrences, this field contains the begin time for the date/time range.


%ORPOOED - if you want to print or display occurrences, this field contains the end date for the date/time range.


%ORPOOET - if you want to print or display occurrences, this field contains the end time for the date/time range.


%ORPOOCS - if you want to print or display occurrences, this field determines the sequence.


·        C - chronological by start date/time

·        R - reverse chronological by start date/time


%OROS#NN - these fields contain the occurrences statuses that you want to print for non-prn orders.


%OROP#NN - these fields contain the occurrences statuses that you want to print for PRN orders.


%ORPONOC - this field contains the number of occurrences to print per line.


%ORPOANC - this field contains the number of occurrences to print per line for alternating IV orders.


%ORPODCL - this field determines if a new line should start when the occurrence start date changes.


·        0 or unvalued - do not start a new line when the occurrence start date changes

·        1 - start a new line when the occurrence start date changes


%ORPOOAD - this field determines if the occurrence administration date should be unloaded for occurrences even if the date did not change from the occurrence start date.


·        0 - the occurrence administration date should be unloaded for occurrences only if the date is different than the occurrence start date.

·        1 - the occurrence administration date should be unloaded for occurrences even if the date is the same as the occurrence start date.


%ORPOLAD - this field determines whether the last administered occurrence should print for PRN orders even if the occurrence is outside of the selected occurrences window (see %ORPOOBD and %ORPOOED).


·        0 - do not print the last administered occurrence for PRN orders unless it is within the selected date/time range for occurrences.

·        1 - print the last administered occurrence for PRN orders even if it is outside of the selected date/time range for occurrences.


%ORAD#NN - if you wish to print or display charted occurrences, this field is set to the charted administered date if that date is different than the occurrence start date.  Otherwise, this field is set to the occurrence date.  For orders that are not charted, this field is set to the occurrence date.


%OCSL#NN - for orders charted as not administered, this field is set to the 'Not Administered' indicator (%OC52IND).  For orders charted as administered, this field is set to the 'Administered' indicator (%OC50IND).


%ORAT#NN - if you wish to print or display charted occurrences, this field is set to the charted administered time if that time is different than the occurrence time.  Otherwise, this field is set to the occurrence time.  For orders that are not charted, this field is set to the occurrence time.

Internal Fields


These fields are valued by the program and model TCLs.


%ORPK#NN - this is an internal key field which contains the function, page number, line number, and %ORFI value for each order selected to be processed from the active display.


%ORFI#NN - this is a 3-byte Function Display Indicator.  It corresponds to the %LINE that was selected from the active Display, for example, REN for renew.


%ORPCFDI - this is the Preconfirmation Function Display Indicator.  This is valued by the preconfirmation driver program to an indicator of the function being performed.  It is passed to CHPPO477, which unloads this indicator into a corresponding %ORFI component.


%ORPCEOF - this is the Preconfirmation Enhanced Order Function.  It contains a 10-byte description of the function being performed on an order, for example, COUNTERSGN for countersign.


%RESP - this field indicates to the program what the user has selected.  The values and their definitions are listed.


·        CANCEL - you use this field when you want to exit from the program.  It deletes the save queues from temporary storage, deletes percent fields from the AUDA that were used by this program and exits the program to allow CHPPPAGE (the pseudoconversational paging program) to run.

·        RETURN - you use this field when you want to exit from the display, but keep your page queue active.

·        SAVE - allows CHPPPAGE to run so that %LYNEs can be placed in the AUDA.

·        BRANCH - this field verifies that the display lines selected from the display are valid and exits the program to allow CHPPPAGE (the pseudoconversational paging program) and CHPPO470 to run.

·        PRINT - this field verifies that a line was not selected from the display and prints the data that is on the display.


%ORPRESP - this is an intermediate field that holds the user-response (%RESP) from the active display until after CHPPPAGE runs.  %RESP is initially valued to a function that CHPPPAGE will accept.  For example, before CHPPPAGE runs, %ORPRESP is valued to 'DETAIL' and %RESP is valued to 'PROCES'.  After CHPPPAGE runs, then TCL ZOPODO4 values %RESP to whatever %ORPRESP contains ('DETAIL'), so that CHPPO470 (order display control module) can process it.


%OIGPTGT - this field indicates that the program is running under the Rounds Report.


%OIGPLNE - this field contains the line number for the Rounds Report.


%ORPCECO - this is the Edit Command Override


%ORPCPCO - this is the Page Command Override


%ORPCPSO - this is the Process Command Override


%GELNTOT - this is the total number of display lines built


%ORLYNE - this is the line number that you key in to identify which order that you want.


%ORPOSW - this internal field indicates if it is the first time through the program.


How to PRINT data you want (documents and related percent fields)


%ORPOPRT - target document - heading lines (model document is ORGEPOF1)


%ORPOPGN - this field is the one that you put on the target document for the page number


%ORPOPR1 - allergy line (model document is ORGEPOF2)


%ORAL#NN - these fields are the ones that you put on the source document for the patient's allergies


%ORPOPR2 - line of dashes (model document is ORGEPOF3)


%ORPOPR3 - blank line (model document is ORGEPOF4)


%ORPOPR4 - order heading line (model document is ORGEPOF5)


%ORPOPR5 - order fields (model document is ORGEPOF6)


%ORPOPR6 - departmental order set services (model document is ORGEPOF7)


%ORPOPR7 - inpatient med order fields (model document is ORGEPOF8)


%ORPOPR8 - outpatient med order fields (model document is ORGEPOF9)


%ORPOPR9 - inpatient IV bottle fields (model document is ORGEPOFA)


%ORPOPRA - IV ingredients (model document is ORGEPOFB)


%ORPOPRB - outpatient IV bottle fields (model document is ORGEPOFC)


%ORPOPRC - order comments (model document is ORGEPOFD)


%ORCM#NN - these fields are the ones that you put on the source document for the order comments


%ORPOPRD - directions (lines 1 and 2) (model document is ORGEPOFE)


%ORPOPRE - directions (line 3) (model document is ORGEPOFF)


%ORPOPRF - blank line between orders (model document is ORGEPOFG)


%ORPOPRG - outpatient visit heading (model document is ORGEPOFH)


%ORPOPRH - bed visit heading (model document is ORGEPOFI)


%ORPOPRI - continued line (model document is ORGEPOFJ)


%ORPOPRJ - med order line (model document is ORGEPOFK)


%ORPOPRK - ordering party line (model document is ORGEPOFL)


%ORPOPRL - complex med order line 1 (model document is ORGEPOFO)


%ORPOPRM - complex med order line 2 (model document is ORGEPOFM)


%ORPOPRN - regular complex med ingredient line (model document is ORGEPOFN)


%ORPOPRO - mixed complex med ingredient line (model document is ORGEPOFP)


%ORPOPRP - countersign line (model document is ORGEPOFQ)


%ORPOPRQ - concatenated text line (model document is ORGEPOFR)


%ORPOPRR - occurrence line (model document is ORGEPOFS)


%ORPOPRS - occurrence line for alternating IVs (model document is ORGEPOFT)


%ORPOPRU - start banner line for expiring orders (model document is ORGEPOFU)


%ORPOPRV - end banner line for expiring orders (model document is ORGEPOFV)


%ORPOPRW - start banner line for orders pending countersignature (model document is ORGEPOFW)


%ORPOPRX - end banner line for orders pending countersignature (model document is ORGEPOFX)


%ORPOPRZ - allergy heading (model document is ORGEPOFZ)


%ORPOPS1 - end of session PRUCT profile line (model document is ORGEPPF1)


%ORPOPS2 - end of session order line one (model document is ORGEPPF2)


%ORPOPS3 - end of session order line two (model document is ORGEPPF3)


%ORPOPS4 - end of session separator line (model document is ORGEPPF4)


%ORPOPS5 - end of session RN confirmation line (model document is ORGEPPF5)


%ORPOPS6 - end of patient RN confirmation line (model document is ORGEPPF6)


%ORPOPS7 - concatenation order line two (model document is ORGEPPF7)


%ORPOPPA - no expiring orders banner line (model document is ORGEPPFA)


%ORPOPPB - no orders pending countersignature line (model document is ORGEPPFB)


%ORPOPPC - second line of order fields (model document is ORGEPPFC)


%GEDIVLN - end of orders line for the Rounds Report (model document is GERRDVF1)


The model document for the error line for the Rounds Report is GERRERF2.  You cannot change the name of the document, but you can change the document definition.


How to DISPLAY the data you want (source screens and related percent fields)


%ORPDPRT - target screen heading lines (model screen is ZOPODO01)


%ORPOPGN -  this field is the one that you put on the target screen for the page number


%ORPDPR1 - allergies line (model screen is ZOPODO02)


%ORAL#NN - these fields are the ones that you put on the source screen for the patients' allergies


%ORPDPR2 - line of dashes (model screen is ZOPODO03)


%ORPDPR3 - blank line (model screen is ZOPODO04)


%ORPDPR4 - order heading line (model screen is ZOPODO05)


%ORPDPR5 - order fields (model screen is ZOPODO06)


%ORPDPR6 - departmental order set services (model screen is ZOPODO07)


%ORPDPR7 - inpatient med order fields (model screen is ZOPODO08)


%ORPDPR8 - outpatient med order fields (model screen is ZOPODO09)


%ORPDPR9 - inpatient IV bottle fields (model screen is ZOPODO10)


%ORPDPRA - IV ingredients (model screen is ZOPODO11)


%ORPDPRB - outpatient IV bottle fields (model screen is ZOPODO12)


%ORPDPRC - order comments (model screen is ZOPODO13)


%ORCM#NN - these fields are the ones that you put on the source screen for the order comments


%ORPDPRD - directions (lines 1 and 2) (model screen is ZOPODO14)


%ORPDPRE - directions (line 3) (model screen is ZOPODO15)

%ORPDPRF - blank line between orders (model screen is ZOPODO16)


%ORPDPRG - outpatient visit heading (model screen is ZOPODO17)


%ORPDPRH - bed visit heading (model screen is ZOPODO18)


%ORPDPRI - continued line (model screen is ZOPODO19)


%ORPDPRJ - med order line (model screen is ZOPODO20)


%ORPDPRK - ordering party line (model screen is ZOPODO21)


%ORPDPRL - complex med order line 1 (model screen is ZOPODO24)


%ORPDPRM - complex med order line 2 (model screen is ZOPODO22)


%ORPDPRN - regular complex med ingredient line (model screen is ZOPODO23)


%ORPDPRO - mixed complex med ingredient line (model screen is ZOPODO26)


%ORPDPRP - countersign line (model screen is ZOPODO27)


%ORPDPRQ - concatenated text line (model screen is ZOPODO28)


%ORPDPRR - occurrence line (model screen is ZOPODO29)


%ORPDPRS - occurrence line for alternating IVs (model screen is ZOPODO30)


%ORPDPRU - start banner line for expiring orders (model screen is ZOPODO31)


%ORPDPRV - end banner line for expiring orders (model screen is ZOPODO32)


%ORPDPRW - start banner line for orders pending countersignature (model screen is ZOPODO33)


%ORPDPRX - end banner line for orders pending countersignature (model screen is ZOPODO34)


%ORPDPRZ - allergy heading (model screen is ZOPODO25)


%ORPDPPA - no expiring orders banner line (model screen is ZOPODO35)


%ORPDPPB - no orders pending countersignature banner line (model screen is ZOPODO36)


%ORPDPPC - second line of order fields (model screen is ZOPODO37)


Rounds Report Fields


%GEALGPN - this field, when valued to a 1, determines that for the Rounds Report, the allergies for the patient should print even if no orders qualify.


%GEALLRG - this field, when valued to a 1, determines that for the Rounds Report, allergies for the patient should print on every page.


%ORPOXER - this field, when valued to a 1, determines that error messages such as "NO ORDERS QUALIFIED" do not print on the Rounds Report.


%GERRERN - this field contains the error occurrence number for the Rounds Report (the program values it).


%GETL - this field contains the error text for the Rounds Report (the program values it).


%OIGPLNE - this field contains the line number for the Rounds Report.


%OIGPTGT - this field indicates that the program is running under the Rounds Report.


%PAGENO - this contains the page number for the Rounds Report.


Sorting and Sequence Options


%ORPOST1 - this is the first sort parameter (the default is DEPT)


·        DEPT - department

·        STS - status

·        DATE - order start date

·        PRIO - priority class

·        DISP - IV method

·        DESC - service description

·        SUBD - subdepartment

·        SVC - service code

·        ORNO - order number (when valued, the second sort parameter is invalid)

·        XSUB - extended subdepartment sort


%ORPOST2 - this is the second sort parameter (the default is order start date)


The values are the same as %ORPOST1, the first sort of parameter.


%ORXS#NN - these fields determine the extended subdepartment sort.  Value these fields in the order that you want the department/subdepartment to display or print.


%ORPOSEQ - this field determines the sequence


·        C - chronological or alphabetical (default)

·        R - reverse chronological or reverse alphabetical


%ORPODST - when valued to a 1, this field indicates that the orders are to be sorted by department in the order of how C1203 components exist in the AUDA.


%ORPOST0 - this field determines the order of the orders pending countersignature and order approaching expiration banners.


·        EXPR - sort only orders approaching expiration banner to the top

·        PEND - sort only orders pending countersignature banner to the top

·        EXPD - sort orders approaching expiration banner followed by the orders pending countersignature banner

·        PDEX - sort orders pending countersignature banner followed by the orders approaching expiration banner


%OREXPNO - this field determines whether or not one-time orders are to be included in the orders approaching expiration banner.


·        0 or unvalued - include one-time orders in the orders approaching expiration banner

·        1 - exclude one-time orders in the orders approaching expiration banner


Session ID Printing


This allows you to print all of the orders that are entered, revised, verified, held, discontinued, resumed, renewed, or cancelled in a single session.


To use session ID option, you must stack program CHPPOR53 after you select Write Orders.  This program calculates a date/time stamp and puts it into %ORSESID (order session id).  Each order that is entered or renewed in the session, including message orders for the function that you select, will be updated with the session ID.


Your options for printing using the session ID follow.


%ORSESOP - this field indicates what kind of session report that you want.


·        1 - single session report.  This prints all of the orders with the session ID that you specify in %ORSESID.  This is used in the model after a session is complete.

·        2 - multiple session report.  This indicates that you want all of the orders that qualify in the specified date/time range or options.  The orders will be grouped into their original sessions.  This provides a cumulative view of the orders and their functions and can be used for a patient at discharge.


%OREXNOS - this field when valued to a 1, indicates that when printing a cumulative report, orders that have no session ID should be excluded from the report.


%ORCSNID - this field indicates the countersign option


·        0 - print the countersign line (where applicable) with each order

·        1 - print the countersign line once per session


%ORPOPS1 - end of session PRUCT profile line (model document is ORGEPPF1)


%ORPOPS2 - end of session order line one (model document is ORGEPPF2)


%ORPOPS3 - end of session order line two (model document is ORGEPPF3)


%ORPOPS4 - end of session separator line (model document is ORGEPPF4)


%ORPOPS5 - end of session RN confirmation line (model document is ORGEPPF5)


%ORPOPS6 - end of patient RN confirmation line (model document is ORGEPPF6)


Text Processing (Sentence-line) Processing/Concatenated Text


This processing gives you the ability to use the Print/Display orders options to select and sort orders, but have the data print or display in a "sentence-like" structure.  That is, you can string words together to make up the description of a particular order.  This also allows for a long description of the order that can be up to 99 lines.  This concatenation and data manipulation takes place as the Print Patient Orders Program is running.  Each department can have it's own method of describing an order.  Lab orders can have the service code, order priority, and order comments while Radiology orders can have the service code, the comments and the Left/Right Indicator.  The concatenation can even be service-specific.  As long as the order has some type of unique identifier, it can be given its own unique concatenated text print through Print Patient Orders.


The fields that you use for this process follow:


·        %GEDS through %GEDS#nn


          These fields are valued with the name of the field which contains the text lines used as input to the Destination Document.  The model only uses eight occurrences of this field but ninety-nine occurrences are possible.


·        %ORPOTXT, %ORPOTX2 through %ORPOTnn


          These fields contain concatenated text.  Each field acts as a text line for input to the Destination Document.  The model only uses eight occurrences of this field but ninety-nine occurrences are possible.


·        %ORPOTCL


          This field holds the name of the TCL that contains the concatenation logic.


·        %GECNSPL (Optional)


          This field indicates whether each concatenated text line (%ORPOTXT) should be placed on its own separate line.


·        %GEDS - this field is the Document Destination Name

·        %ORPOTXT, %ORPOTX2 through %ORPOTnn - these fields are the Print Order Text1 Description, Print Order Text2 Description through the Print Order Textn Description.  These fields must have the same length as the line defined on the destination document.  If you need to change the length of the line (either shorter or longer), add user fields to your data dictionary and use those fields as the input fields.

·        %ORPOPRQ is the new source line for order line one that holds the concatenated text for Print Patient Orders.  Set this field to the name of the document that contains the %LINE01 with either %ORPOTXT or the field that the hospital is using as the definition.  In model, %Line01 contains the Order Number (C1225) and %ORPOTXT.

·        %ORPOPS7 is the new source line for order line two that holds the concatenated text for Print Patient Orders.  Set this field to the name of the document that contains the %LINE01 with either %ORPOTXT or the field that the hospital is using as the definition.  This field is only used if the first order line must be different from subsequent order lines.

Example:  If %ORPOPRQ uses a source document containing order number and order number is only needed for the first line then %ORPOPS7 must also be used.

·        %GECNSPL - this field is the Separate Line Indicator.  When this field is valued to a 1 then each field for the order will print on a separate line.  For example,





IF BLOOD SUGAR 101-150:2 U

IF BLOOD SUGAR 151-200:3 U

IF BLOOD SUGAR 201-250:4 U

IF BLOOD SUGAR 251-300:5 U

IF BLOOD SUGAR 301-350:6 U

IF BLOOD SUGAR 351-400:7 U



When using the Separate Line processing, you must have the Exclude Separator Field, %GEEXSEP, valued to a 1.


Special Processing


%ORDSIND - this field, when valued to a 1, indicates that you want the program only unload the orders that qualify.  The orders are not to be displayed, only unloaded into the AUDA.  %ORUNLD or %ORCP described below specify what fields to unload for each order that qualifies.


%ORUNLD - this field specifies what fields should be unloaded when the user selects SELECT FUNCTION or BRANCH from the display screen or has %ORDSIND valued to a 1.


·        blank (default) - only the order numbers of qualifying or selected orders are put into the AUDA.

·        1 - the following fields are put into the AUDA for qualifying or selected orders.


·        service code

·        department

·        description

·        order start date and time

·        order stop date and time

·        order internal stop date and time

·        daily frequency

·        weekly frequency

·        order status

·        CSMF description

·        Order number

·        5 - unload the fields that are defined in %ORCP (described below)


%ORCP#nn - these fields specify the order fields that you want unloaded into the AUDA when selecting orders for a function or unloading the qualifying orders without a display or print.


%OC501ND - this field contains the symbol that should print or display for an administered (charted) occurrence,


%OC52IND - this field contains the symbol that should print or display for a not administered (charted) occurrence.


%ORPOTOT - this field contains the total number of orders that qualified for the print or display.  It is valued by the program and is available for printing and displaying.

Detail - Display Full Name Option


You can display a user's full name rather than their sign-on ID in the Detail option for multiple fields.


You can specify the user ID field that you want to print the full name for.  This can be the Order Sign-on ID, and/or the Order Countersign ID and/or the Order Status Sign-on ID, or any field that contains a user ID.


The user name is formatted into last name, first name using the name associated with the specified sign-on ID from the Security Profile.  If either of the name fields are blank, the non-blank name is used.  If both first and last name are blank, the field that displays the name will be blank.


·        %ORUC#nn - these fields identify the components that are to be used as a key to the Security Profile.

·        %ORUN#nn  these fields are the ones that you put on your detail display screen.  These fields match the %ORUC#nn fields.  That is, the full name of the component identified in %ORUC#02 is placed into %ORUN#02.